Open letter from the inbound travel industry in Japan
This letter has been initiated by The Hospitality Industry Club of Japan (HICJ). We are a club of over 50 SME and individual Members of the inbound industry, including travel agencies, hotels, transportation companies, services and activity providers. The inbound travel industry has been severely hit by the crisis, faster and more intensively than any other industry in Japan as borders have remained closed to foreign visitors since April 2020. The large majority of our Members declared sales drop of over 70% in comparison to pre-COVID period. In this difficult context, more and more local actors of the inbound travel industry are going bankrupt or shutting down permanently. While companies related to inbound travel are dealing with overseas visitors, our industry remains a source of local employment, bringing income to thousands of Japanese families while preserving the Japanese culture and promoting the country overseas. We recognise the government’s efforts to block the surge in COVID-19 cases across the country and intention to support the local economy. Yet, we believe there is more that can be done to help our shrinking industry. Please allow us to make specific policy recommendations: 1. Increase vaccination rollout and include hospitality staff in priority public After the medical community, hospitality actors have not hesitated to face infected patients, working at self-quarantine hotels and taking important risks to protect us all. Such people, together with airline pilots, flight attentants and airport staff have continuously worked on the front line and under high risk and to support our society. Other examples across the world have proven that, while keeping vulnerable populations ahead, giving vaccination priority to hospitality staff as well is a great armour against future cases surge. It also acts as an additional security when borders reopen, giving a sense of security to the Japanese population and foreign visitors. 2. Set a reopening calendar allowing quarantine-free travel for vaccinated people As more countries have a large portion of their population vaccinated, those are reopening their borders to overseas visitors, keeping pre-departure and/or arrival tests for additional layers of security. As an example, Europe which faced high level of COVID-19 community spread in comparison to Japan, is getting the virus under control thanks to its high percentage of vaccinated population. As a result, European countries are now re-opening their borders to fully vaccinated overseas visitors with vaccination passports. By not having a clear reopening calendar and taking similar actions in timely manner, we are putting Japan behind and lacking the opportunity to save hundreds of struggling companies with thousands of Japanese families in line. 3. Increase collaboration with actors of the inbound tourism industry We believe that the government can work hands in hands with inbound travel actors to ensure the safety of travellers and residents. For example, travel companies could make sure foreign visitors fully understand the specific rules related to COVID-19 prevention in Japan, and keep track of clients visits and places of stay to quickly share their whereabouts if necessary. 4. Directly support local actors of the inbound tourism industry We commend efforts to deploy the Go To Campaign to support the tourism industry across the country. Yet, this campaign has been focusing on the domestic market, implying heavy logistics that only large companies could handle and leaving local inbound tourism actors behind. Since the beginning of the crisis, the inbound industry had no targeted support similar to what has been done for other industries, such as for restaurants and bars. Though, our survey showed that over 75% of our Members are in a critical financial situation and most of us will not survive through 2022 in the current situation, leaving only larger mass travel companies as options for future travellers. After over a year into this difficult crisis, the local inbound travel industry is in deep need of more visibility to survive. When the time is right, we look forward to welcoming again visitors from all over the world with our secular Omotenashi. Once again, thank you for considering our suggestions. Your Sincerely,
Signatories to this letter (as of 29th June 2021):
- Ami Kyoto Kimiko Yamamoto, Representative
- Boutique Japan Andres Zuleta, Director
- BUFFALO TOURS JAPAN (DISCOVA) Patrick Loyer, Sales Manager
- CHABITO Sougo Kobayakawa, Representative
- Destination Asia Japan Peter Cools, Representative Director
- Essential Japan Travel Takashi Yamada, Representative
- Explore the Heart of Japan Nicholas Klar, Owner
- gLocal Yoshitaka Kawanishi, Representative
- Hike Hakone Hachiri Anthony Everitt, Director
- HITOTOKI Alex Debs, President
- ITO RYOKAN Chikako Maeyama, Landlady
- Japan Localized Dai Miyamoto, CEO
- JAPAN PRIVATE TOUR Jack Charig, Managing Director
- Lotus Cycle Saori Koda, Representative
- Matsue-Works Yasuhide Kominami, Representative
- MURATA TAXI Kazuhiro Murata, Representative
- Nana Toshihiko Nishiyama, Representative
- Nextaroma Lionel Dersot, Manager
- NINE Teppei Nakajima, Representative
- Oku Japan Hiroshi Kawaguchi, General Manager
- Rediscover Japan Jeff Aasgaard, President
- TABITTO Travel Kagoshima Yoshie Kakimoto, Director
- THE LUXURY FLEET Afra Rahman, Representative Director
- Tokyo Way Carl Kay, President
- Windows to Japan Avi Lugasi, Owner and CEO
- Guide Masako Takahashi
- Guide Ryoei Aoki
- Guide Midori Suzaki
- Guide Satoko Saito
- Guide Yuko Yajima
- Air Serve Naofumi Suzuki, Section Chief
- Bute Yoichi Murata, Representative Director
- F-Ness Naoki Okada, CEO
- F-Ness Hisanori Fujiwara, Executive Director
- F-Ness Takashi Morimoto, Director
- F-Ness Toru Chiba, Head of New Business Development
- F-Ness Gallant Tour Kenichi Hiroi, Representative
- Foresight Marketing Shigeyoshi Noto, CEO
- Green Tomato Ai Kaneno, President & CEO
- Go Vacation Toshiya Tatami, Director
- Hokkaido Ski Club Miha Grilj, Co-owner
- Ibero Japan Kumiko Kondo, General Manager
- Japan Tour Service Shin Yamada, CEO
- Kanazawa Tours Mike Keenan, Director
- Keikaku Japan Sebastien Terrier, Representative Director
- Local Travel Partners Hirokane Ishikaki, Representative
- Ski Japan Holidays Jason Jansen, President
- Tabino Recipe Naoyuki Tamura, Executive Officer & Tokyo Branch Manager
- Tairiku Travel Daiki Takeda, Sales Representative
この手紙は、Hospitality Industry Club of Japan(HICJ) によって始められました。 私たちは、旅行代理店、ホテル、交通機関、サービス、アクティビティを提供する企業など、50を超えるインバウンド業界の中小企業および個人会員で構成されるクラブです。 インバウンド旅行業界は、2020年4月以降、国境が外国人観光客に閉鎖されたままであるため、日本のどの業界よりも早く、そして集中的に危機の影響を受けています。大多数の会員は、COVID-19以前と比較して70%以上の売上減を宣言しています。 このような厳しい状況の中で、インバウンド旅行業界の地元企業が倒産したり、会社をたたまなければならないケースが増えています。 インバウンド旅行関連企業が海外からの旅行者を相手にしている一方で、私たちの業界は依然として地元の雇用源であり、何千もの日本の家庭に収入をもたらし、日本の文化を守り、海外に日本を宣伝しています。 私たちは、全国で急増しているCOVID-19の感染を阻止しようとする政府の努力と、地域経済を支援しようとする意図を認めます。しかし、縮小傾向にあるこの業界を支援するために、私たちはもっとできることがあると信じています。以下に具体的な政策提言をさせていただきたいと思います: 1. ワクチン接種のスピードを上げ、ホスピタリティ関係者を優先的に接種させる 医療関係者に続いて、ホスピタリティ関係者も、感染した患者と向き合うことをためらわず、自己隔離されたホテルで働き、私たち全員を守るために重要なリスクを負ってきました。また、航空会社のパイロットや客室乗務員、空港スタッフなども、最前線で高いリスクを冒しながら、私たちの社会を支えるために働き続けてきました。世界中の他の例を見ても、ご高齢な方達に先手を打つ一方で、接客業のスタッフに優先的にワクチンを接種することは、将来の患者の急増に対する大きな武器となり、また、国境を開く準備が整ったときに、日本国民と外国人旅行者に安心感を与える追加のセキュリティとなることが証明されています。 2. ワクチンを接種した人が検疫なしで旅行できる再開カレンダーを設定する 多くの国で国民の多くがワクチンを接種しているため、海外からの旅行者に国境を開放し、出国前や到着後に検査を行うことでセキュリティを強化しています。例えば、日本と比較してCOVID-19の感染者の広がりが大きかったヨーロッパでは、ワクチン接種者の割合が高かったことから、ウイルスがコントロールされつつあると言われています。その結果、ヨーロッパの国々は、ワクチンパスポートを持っている外国人旅行者に国境を開放するようになっています。明確な再開カレンダーを持たず、早急に同様の措置を取らないことで、日本は後手に回り、何千もの日本の家族を抱えて苦労している何百もの企業を救う機会を失っているのです。 3. インバウンド観光産業の関連企業との連携を強化する 私たちは、政府がインバウンドの旅行関連業者と手を取り合って、旅行者と住民の安全を確保できると信じています。 例えば、旅行会社は、外国人旅行者に日本でのCOVID-19対策に関する具体的なルールを十分に理解してもらい、外国人旅行者の訪問先や滞在先を記録して、必要に応じて迅速に居場所を共有することができます。 4. インバウンド観光産業の現地関連企業を直接支援する 全国の観光産業を支援するために「Go To キャンペーン」を展開していることは評価できます。しかし、このキャンペーンは国内市場に焦点を当てており、大企業だけが扱える複雑で難しい工程で、地元のインバウンド観光産業を置き去りにしていました。危機の当初から、インバウンド観光産業には、レストランやバーなどの他の産業で行われているようなターゲットを絞った支援はありませんでした。しかし、私たちの調査によると、メンバーの75%以上が危機的な財政状況にあり、ほとんどのメンバーが今の状況では2022年中に生き残ることができず、将来の外国人旅行者には大企業の選択肢しか残されていません。 この困難な危機から1年以上が経過し、地元のインバウンド旅行業界は、生き残りをかけて未来をより明確にする必要性に迫られています。時期が来れば、世俗的な「おもてなし」で世界中のお客様を再びお迎えできることを楽しみにしています。 改めて、私たちの提案をご検討いただき、ありがとうございました。 よろしくお願いいたします。
この手紙の署名者 (最終更新日:2021年6月29日):
- Ami Kyoto Kimiko Yamamoto, Representative
- Boutique Japan Andres Zuleta, Director
- BUFFALO TOURS JAPAN (DISCOVA) Patrick Loyer, Sales Manager
- CHABITO Sougo Kobayakawa, Representative
- Destination Asia Japan Peter Cools, Representative Director
- Essential Japan Travel Takashi Yamada, Representative
- Explore the Heart of Japan Nicholas Klar, Owner
- gLocal Yoshitaka Kawanishi, Representative
- Hike Hakone Hachiri Anthony Everitt, Director
- HITOTOKI Alex Debs, President
- ITO RYOKAN Chikako Maeyama, Landlady
- Japan Localized Dai Miyamoto, CEO
- JAPAN PRIVATE TOUR Jack Charig, Managing Director
- Lotus Cycle Saori Koda, Representative
- Matsue-Works Yasuhide Kominami, Representative
- MURATA TAXI Kazuhiro Murata, Representative
- Nana Toshihiko Nishiyama, Representative
- Nextaroma Lionel Dersot, Manager
- NINE Teppei Nakajima, Representative
- Oku Japan Hiroshi Kawaguchi, General Manager
- Rediscover Japan Jeff Aasgaard, President
- TABITTO Travel Kagoshima Yoshie Kakimoto, Director
- THE LUXURY FLEET Afra Rahman, Representative Director
- Tokyo Way Carl Kay, President
- Windows to Japan Avi Lugasi, Owner and CEO
- Guide Masako Takahashi
- Guide Ryoei Aoki
- Guide Midori Suzaki
- Guide Satoko Saito
- Guide Yuko Yajima
- Air Serve Naofumi Suzuki, Section Chief
- Bute Yoichi Murata, Representative Director
- F-Ness Naoki Okada, CEO
- F-Ness Hisanori Fujiwara, Executive Director
- F-Ness Takashi Morimoto, Director
- F-Ness Toru Chiba, Head of New Business Development
- F-Ness Gallant Tour Kenichi Hiroi, Representative
- Foresight Marketing Shigeyoshi Noto, CEO
- Green Tomato Ai Kaneno, President & CEO
- Go Vacation Toshiya Tatami, Director
- Hokkaido Ski Club Miha Grilj, Co-owner
- Ibero Japan Kumiko Kondo, General Manager
- Japan Tour Service Shin Yamada, CEO
- Kanazawa Tours Mike Keenan, Director
- Keikaku Japan Sebastien Terrier, Representative Director
- Local Travel Partners Hirokane Ishikaki, Representative
- Ski Japan Holidays Jason Jansen, President
- Tabino Recipe Naoyuki Tamura, Executive Officer & Tokyo Branch Manager
- Tairiku Travel Daiki Takeda, Sales Representative